Trade Unions as Collective Actors

FES has its roots in the German workers' movement. Its mandate is to strengthen trade unions as an independent, democratic voice for all workers, formal and informal.

Trade unions are under pressure. While challenges, such as automation and digitalization, range from the changing nature of the labor market, to economic liberalization and austerity to declining membership and climate change, Trade unions struggle with undergoing relevant changes, some being, becoming younger and more feminine.

We support trade unions in making political contributions to the future of the nation’s development model and a ‘Just Transition', that is, to go beyond 'bread-and-butter' issues. We also work with the trade unions on innovative ways to include informal workers, especially women, in their organizational structures. Thirdly, we want to give a stronger voice to women and young people in the Tanzanian trade union movement. 

Tax Justice conference calls to close loopholes for loss of public resources

Tax Justice conference calls to close loopholes for loss of public resources

Since 2016 Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) and Public Services International (PSI) affiliates, in collaboration with other stakeholders, have been running a campaign on Tax Justice in the mining sector in Tanzania. The... More

Managing Tanzania's Mineral Resources for Socio-Economic Development and Progressive Public Service Investment

Managing Tanzania's Mineral Resources for Socio-Economic Development and Progressive Public Service Investment

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Tanzania, in collaboration with Public Service International (PSI) a Global Union, organized a comprehensive two-day workshop themed “Pushing the boundaries against spurious tax incentives in the... More

News and Events

Monday, 19.08.2024 | Trade Unions, Publication, Event

FES Tanzania held a roundtable discussion about improving working conditions and protecting the environment through sustainable supply chains, aiming…


| Trade Unions, News

A two-day workshop in Dodoma by the Tanzania Teachers Union (CWT) and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Tanzania commended the progress that has been…


17.05.2022 | Trade Unions, News, Event

As a continuation of the campaign, FES Tanzania and PSI, ActionAid Tanzania and other CSOs organised a Policy Conference on the 17th & 18th of May…

African media barometer

Santos, Philipp

African media barometer

An analysis of trends in AMBs for 28 countries over 11 years ; 2011/2021
Windhoek, 2022

Download publication (500 KB, PDF-File)

The urban dream and the realities of rural to urban migration in East Africa

The urban dream and the realities of rural to urban migration in East Africa

Kampala, 2022

Download publication (10 MB, PDF-File)

The transformative value of just and sustainable urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa

Wasonga, George; Naliaka, Robai; Schulz, Bastian

The transformative value of just and sustainable urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa

Nairobi, 2022

Download publication (3,8 MB PDF-File)

Tanzania Office

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6 Mwai Kibaki Road
Dar es Salaam

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